When you try to understand a dream, it's called dream analysis. Trust me, dream analysis can be VERY fun once you understand what it's all about & how it works. Did you know that your dreams speak about your subconscious mind? Dreams are actually a vital part of our life…meaning that each and every one of us must dream because if not he/she can develop serious psychological problems. Our dreams kind of balance our daily life. They help us understand how we “feel” about our friends, parents, past, and even about what we want in the future. Some people say that dreams "can help or give hidden meanings that you got to find out". We don't know it that is true but we sure find them interesting.
Just like Wei said on the last post, we would like to share with you some of the most vivid and unusual dreams we have had. We encourage you not only to help us analyze the dreams but to keep dreaming yourself!
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