Falling dreams are quite common in the world of dream. You will not actually die if you do not wake up before you hit the ground during a fall. Falling is an indication of insecurities, instabilities, and anxieties. You are feeling overwhelmed and out of control in some situations of your waking life. Falling dreams also often reflect a sense of failure. During these types of dreams you will feel muscles spasms and sudden contractions in your body. But don´t worry because once you have a certain stability in your life these dreams might stop... for a while at least. ^.^
Below are several questions you should ask yourself to help interpret your dream better:
" Are you stressed? Could this be a subconscious forewarning of a perceived failure?
Are you afraid of losing something or someone? Falling dreams can be interpreted as a physical "letting go" in some cases. Are your parents moving away from home? a friendship lost? problems at school?
Do you feel insecure? Joined a new club? Started a new romance?
Are you feeling overwhelmed? Are you trying to do too many things at once?
Has someone important disappointed you recently? Are you disappointed in yourself?
Made a bad business or personal decision recently? Have you or someone close to you done something that has upset your emotional equilibrium? Has a friend, or significant other lied, cheated, or disappointed you in some way? Have you done any of these things yourself?
Is there something physical in your environment that needs your attention? Is there a broken step, loose hand-rail, or wobbly chair in the house? Is there an "accident waiting to happen" somewhere in your environment? "
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